"What are you guys waiting for? You've been married forever!"
Ok people...for starters, if we've been married "this long" and by your accounts, apparently being selfish, there are more than likely two reasons. 1)maybe we DON'T WANT KIDS!! So go eat a donut and bother someone else(obviously, y'all know in my life, this isn't the case) but for lots of people, this is the truth. and it's their choice...or 2) We are struggling and trying and dealing w/the pain that it's not as easy as all those stupid lifetime movies(false advertising) make it seem! Like drinking water knocks you up! I mean, it's one thing to say "so are you two planning on having any little ones?" this doesn't bother me, but to insinuate that I should "get on it" when you don't know jack, is just ignorant.
I used to be demure and just respond in the proper Southern way "oh, you know, eventually one day" Now you ask that, and the more than likely retort you're getting is "We've been "on it" for years, I've had numerous surgeries and it's a very painful, PRIVATE experience!" in other words...go away and get some couth, you jack @ss...but I still smile sweetly, so this makes it ok, right?!;)
and the second, and almost even worse sentiment, and it always comes from someone who already has kids and who have firsthand knowledge of my struggle, and it usually comes when they're sleep deprived, money deprived or sanity deprived, from their own children(in some cases..all three, simultaneously)
"You sure you want kids? Maybe you should be glad you get to do whatever you want."
This one in particular INFURIATES me to no end! How dare you, knowing what I wish for, say such a thing?! I mean really, so if given the chance to change it all, you would look at your children, even in the bad days, and choose to not have them in your life, you'd go back and do it over?! I doubt it. I would gladly give up the trips, the nights of freedom and the other numerous sacrifices that you make...just for one look into my baby's eyes, one small smile from my own child...and the one day I get called mommy and my husband walks through the door after work and my child's face lights up. I am well aware that it isn't all peaches and roses. I already suffer from bipolar and depression, so the mommy blues are more than like in my future, but I believe it will still be worth it...don't be so heartless to question my right to INSANITY!